Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gone with the Wind

One of the most famous films of all time has got to be Victor Fleming’s classic movie Gone with the Wind. The film stars Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh, who play Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara. These two characters butt heads throughout the Civil War period of this film. I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars. In my opinion, I thought at some points in movie it was a bit slow, but at other times I thought it was exciting and fun to watch. It is an American classic that people will be watching for many years to come.

Scarlett, a stubborn southern female trying to survive the aftermath of the Civil War, wants to be with Ashley, who is already getting married to his cousin Melanie. Even though she thinks she is in love with Ashley, she decides to get married to Rhett, but only for his money. After spending time with Rhett and having a kid together, Scarlett realizes that she really does love Rhett, but it is too late, Rhett leaves Scarlett to go back to Charleston. Scarlett tries to convince Rhett to stay with her. She asks Rhett, “If you go, where shall I go, what shall I do?” Rhett replies with the famous line “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” This line is the number one most famous quote from a movie of all time. That line can be heard in today's movies, just like some of the story line in the movie. The love triangle between Rhett, Scarlett, and Ashley is something that could be seen in movies of today's time.

My favorite character in the movie is Rhett Butler. He is always honest and says what’s on his mind. The character that I like the least is Rhett’s wife Scarlett. To me I think she is very self centered, and will do anything to get with she wants, even if it means hurting other people. Over all I think that Gone with the Wind is good movie to watch if you enjoy a great romantic drama.



  1. Excellent. Great original summary of plot. Good personal opinion. Nice to see you provide your source.
