Monday, November 30, 2009

Class Review

Some people might think that in a class about watching movies you wouldn’t learn much of anything, but I think that you can learn a lot from this class. I liked how we watched movies from the past, and worked our way to more modern films. At first I didn’t like the sound of watching some older movies, but I actually enjoyed some of those movies. I think it taught us about the history of film and what film has turned into. You showed us some of the pictures from the Simpsons of them poking fun at some older movie I looked at it and never knew the message behind it until I watched the original movie. I also liked that we did get to pick some of the films that we watched, even though not all of them were the best choice. It was nice that we got to watch different genres because some of them I’ve never seen before.

I liked that we had some different options when discussing the movies. Whether it was the socratic discussion, a chat on moodle, or a podcast; I thought that it was nice that there were different options rather than just having a discussion every time. A lot of the time when we discussed the movies, we talked about virtue. I think that it is a good discussion topic to start out with. I also like that you made the students lead the Socratic discussions. It liked how we had to say something pertaining to the movie at the beginning of the day for role. It made me pay more attention to the movie and look for symbols and quotes.

I couldn't find your email so I just made it a new post.

Main Stream film vs Independent film

I would have to give Donnie Darko a 1 out of 5, and that is being nice. I thought that it had absolutely not point to the movie and that it was weird. There were some funny parts, but not enough to make me like the movie. I also like that Jake Gyllenhaal was in the movie, because he’s a really good actor. I would not recommend this movie to anyone because it is just a waste of time. On the other hand, Shawshank Redemption is a great movie. I would give it 4.5 out of 5. I thought that Tim Robbins did a great job in that movie. I loved the storyline of it, and I didn’t see the ending coming at all, which I liked.

There are many differences in an independent film and a main stream film. For one, I think that in an independent film, you have to think about the story line and plot a little more. For example, in the movie Donnie Darko, an independent film, you had to actually think about what was going on. They made you think about it more. In Shawshank Redemption, a main stream film, for the most part they told you what was going on and you didn’t have to think as hard to what was actually going on. Another difference that I notice was that in independent films, they use a lot more music than in main stream films. In Donnie Darko, they played music through most of the movie. Where in Shawshank Redemption, they played less music.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


  1. Shawshank Redemption
  2. The Simpsons Movie
  3. The Graduate
  4. Wall-E
  5. The Great Debaters
  6. Psycho
  7. Cimema Paridiso
  8. Ben-Hur
  9. Gone with the Wind
  10. V for Vendetta
  11. Citizen Kane
  12. Donnie Darko

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Great Debaters Podcast cxuwq


Most people would not be interested in watching a movie with barley any talking. The two main words that are spoken are “Wall-e”, and “Eve”. I would rate this movie 4 out of 5. Wall-e, directed by Andrew Stanton, I thought was very well done. The majority of the movie was told through the voices of the robots and their actions. At the beginning of the movie I was working on other work. I heard people start to laugh, and when I looked up I didn’t know what was so funny. After awhile I was glued to the movie and wasn’t doing other work.

I thought it was funny the way the made fun of the weight problem of people and the way that some people are no t eco friendly. They showed that in the future when people are living in space that they are all overweight, they have chairs that move them around so they don’t have to walk, and that they have computers and technology to do everything for them. I would defiantly recommend this movie to others, it is really cute and has a fun storyline to it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

V for Vendetta

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” This was said by V, played by Hugo Weaving. That’s exactly how V felt about the government. He was defiantly not afraid of the government. I would give this movie 2.5 out of 5. I didn’t enjoy this movie very much because it was very hard to understand right from the beginning. Also the genre, sci-fi/thriller, is not a genre that I particularly like.

Evey Hammond, played by Natalie Portman, has been captured by V, after V blows up the Old Bailey. He takes her to his lair where she is supposed to stay there till the 5th of November, which is one year later. V then broadcasts himself on TV all over Britain, revealing his plan to destroy the Houses of Parliament on the fifth of November. When the police raid the building, Evey is there to help V escape. Evey has already been recognized as being at the scene of the Old Baileys destruction.

I really don’t think that most of the movie was very realistic. Having someone that did a horrible crime, and who said when he will do another crime, is somehow never caught when the government had plenty of chances to get him. Although I did not like the movie I would recommend the movie to others. I thought that it was very creative how they incorporated the number 5 and the letter V into the movie. The storyline was pretty good and I thought the Natalie Portman did a great job in the movie.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Simpsons Movie

“We have a great life here in Alaska, and we're never going back to America again!” This was said by Homer Simpson. I like this quote because its funny and it shows how Homer is somewhat of an idiot. I would give this movie 4.5 out of 5 stars because it is really funny. It was really funny to me because it was making fun of a lot of things that were happening at the time and that where current. The director, David Silverman, did make sure that he did not offend anyone with any of the jokes he was making.

After Homer destroys the entire town of Springfield, President Schwarzenegger randomly picks a solution to the problem, put a dome over the town of Springfield. When the town of Springfield find out that this whole mess is Homers fault they create a mob and attack Homers house. The family escapes through the sinkhole in their backyard and run away to Alaska. Marge, Lisa, and Bart have a change of mind and go to try to save Springfield but are captured by the EPA. After some thinking, Homer decides to also help out Springfield. When he returns back to the dome he notices that there is a bomb hanging from a rope attached to a helicopter ready to blow Springfield up. Will Homer have the brains or the ability to save Springfield? Overall I think that this a great movie to watch.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Graduate

“Well would you mind telling me what these last four years of hard work was for?” This was Mr. Braddock’s reaction after Ben, played by Dustin Hoffman, graduated from college. Ben’s response was, “You got me”. The Graduate, directed by Mike Nichols, is a great comedy-drama that made me laugh. I would give this movie 3.5 out of 5. I thought that the story line was very good and that Dustin Hoffman did a great job channeling Ben’s awkwardness. I really enjoyed this movie because of the affair between Ben and Mrs. Robinson, played by Anne Bancroft.

After Ben graduates from college, he’s stuck in a rut and doesn’t know what to do with the rest of his life. He meets an older woman, Mrs. Robinson, one night, and generously gives her a ride home because she claims to be too “drunk”. She lures Ben into her house which then she begins to seduce him. On top of that, Ben was being questioned by his parents what he was going to do with the rest of his life.

After thinking about it for a few days, Ben decides to have an affair with Mrs. Robinson. This went on for some time, and began to be an every day thing for them. When things seemed that they couldn’t be anymore complicated, Mrs. Robinson’s daughter, Elaine, comes into town and Ben’s parents insist that he take her out on a date. Ben and Elaine start to fall in love but when Mrs. Robinson finds out about this she becomes furious, and manipulates Elaine and makes up a ridiculous story about Ben that makes Elaine hate Ben. Elaine then goes off to school and says she is going to marry some other guy. Overall I think that this movie is really great to watch and will make you laugh.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


“We all go a little mad sometimes” said my Norman Bates, played by Anthony Perkins. Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, was a horror/suspense that kept people at the edge of their seats. This movie was based on the serial killer Ed Gein. I have this movie 4 out of 5 stars. One thing I liked about this movie was that I kept me thinking about what’s going to happen next. Like Mr. Bates whole obsession with birds, it made you think there was something to do with the birds when there wasn’t. Also there was the famous shower scene where Marion Crane, played by Janet Leigh, was murdered.

Marion Crane decides to steal $40,000 from her employer to go and marry her boyfriend Sam. She then drives off but then chooses to stay at the Bates Motel do to a storm. After having a small meal with Mr. Bates, Marion decides to return the money and go back home. She then takes a shower to cleanse herself and feel better, until someone sneaks into her room and murders her. A few days later her sister, Lila gets worried and files a missing persons report. After a PI went to the Bates Motel and never came back, Lila and Sam go out to the Bates Motel to find some shocking news.

The most famous scene in movie history is the shower scene in Psycho. The first thing I think of when I hear the movie Psycho is the shower scene because it is something that has been redone and you can see different versions of it in today’s movies and TV. Some interesting facts about that scene is that they used chocolate syrup as the blood. For the sound knife stabbing Marion it is really a knife being stabbed into a melon. I think that this is a good movie to watch.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Top Movies

1. The Hangover
2. Grand Tornio
3. We Are Marshall
4. Role Models
5. Blades of Glory
6. Sleepy Hallow
7. Baby Mamma
8. Step Brothers
9. Coyote Ugly
10. Elf

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Citizen Kane

“Rosebud.” What is Rosebud and what does it mean? That is what everyone is trying to find out throughout the whole film, Citizen Kane, directed by Orson Welles, who also played Charles Kane. Rosebud was the last word spoken by Charles Kane before he died. This film is considered to be the number one critics’ choice. I would give this movie 2.5 out of five stars. To me the way the movie ended wasn’t very good. I felt like the meaning of Rosebud wasn’t explained very well.

Although there were things in the movie that I didn’t like, there were some things that I did like. For example, the different camera angles they had were very interesting and made it look better. In one scene when the camera in the opera house rises for dramatic to show the men’s lack of
interest. I also liked that they had so many shadows in the back round, and also the different lightings they had. For a movie from 1941, the special effects were very impressive.

At the end of the movie when you find out what rosebud is and what it really means it makes me feel like you still that you don’t know what really happened. In my opinion I don’t like movies that just leave you thinking about something and not knowing what happens next. In the film there are several symbols in it. For one there is the snow globe. The snow globes represent Kane’s’ childhood. When you see inside the snow globe it’s calm and simple just like Kane’s life with his parents before Thatcher came along. Also the sleds that are shown in the film represent Kane’s happiest moments at the beginning of the film, and a sled is also shown at the end of the film being buried with Kane. Overall I wouldn’t say that this is my favorite movie, but it does have a good storyline to it.

Gone with the Wind

One of the most famous films of all time has got to be Victor Fleming’s classic movie Gone with the Wind. The film stars Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh, who play Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara. These two characters butt heads throughout the Civil War period of this film. I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars. In my opinion, I thought at some points in movie it was a bit slow, but at other times I thought it was exciting and fun to watch. It is an American classic that people will be watching for many years to come.

Scarlett, a stubborn southern female trying to survive the aftermath of the Civil War, wants to be with Ashley, who is already getting married to his cousin Melanie. Even though she thinks she is in love with Ashley, she decides to get married to Rhett, but only for his money. After spending time with Rhett and having a kid together, Scarlett realizes that she really does love Rhett, but it is too late, Rhett leaves Scarlett to go back to Charleston. Scarlett tries to convince Rhett to stay with her. She asks Rhett, “If you go, where shall I go, what shall I do?” Rhett replies with the famous line “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” This line is the number one most famous quote from a movie of all time. That line can be heard in today's movies, just like some of the story line in the movie. The love triangle between Rhett, Scarlett, and Ashley is something that could be seen in movies of today's time.

My favorite character in the movie is Rhett Butler. He is always honest and says what’s on his mind. The character that I like the least is Rhett’s wife Scarlett. To me I think she is very self centered, and will do anything to get with she wants, even if it means hurting other people. Over all I think that Gone with the Wind is good movie to watch if you enjoy a great romantic drama.